ম্যানাগ্রোভ কী

উত্তর: উপকূলীয় বনকে ম্যানগ্রোভ বন বলা হয়।যেমন খুলনার সুন্দরবন।

About Sundarban

The Sundarbans is a vast forest on the coast of the Bay of Bengal, one of the natural wonders of the world.  Located in the delta area of ​​the Padma, Meghna and Brahmaputra river basins, this magnificent forest covers the districts of Khulna, Satkhira, Bagerhat, Patuakhali and Barguna in Bangladesh and two districts in the Indian state of West Bengal, North 24 Parganas and 24 South Parganas.  As a forest, the Sundarbans is the largest uninterrupted forest area in the world.

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